Toolcad Order Board

Here is the OrderBoard Page:


You can select cells where you don’t want elements to be spawned by clicking on them:


On the right side you can manage how many of each elements should be spawned on the DELIVER and RET sides of the OrderBoard:


Random button will randomize elements and Clean button will clear everything on the OrderBoard except forbidden cells:


Status will show you if everything is OK if not check out page with error codes:


Order Board Settings button will open configuration for Order Board randomizer:


MIR-(X) (Max In a Room) settings are used to control max amout of elements of selected color, that can be spawned in a room.

DEL-RET-G setting is used to control gurneys spawns in DELIVER and RET. If true - gurneys can be spawned in DELIVER and RET in the same room. If false - they can’t.

NS-G setting is used to control gurneys spawn in NS room. If true - gurneys can be spawned in DELIVER or/and RET in the NS room. If false - they can’t.