Toolcad GurneysΒΆ

Here is the Gurneys Page:


Imagine we have this strange and shity field (1337/1488 shakals):


So lets select approximate places where gurneys could be spawned by clicking on them:


On the right side you can manage how many of gurneys you want to be spawned:


Also you can upload you own image using Settings Page. For example I have this image:


And then I upload it by disabling Default Field setting and clicking on the Choose Field button. Then I select the image I want to upload. And then I click Save button in Settings Page.


Now I have Gurneys Page look like this:


Then I place squares approximately near the places where they can be and press Random button:


Random button will randomize gurneys, Clean button will clear everything on the field except selected places and Clean All will clean everything.

Status will show you if everything is OK if not check out page with error codes.